The Foreign Fork

Dulce de Leche

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What You Need:


Remove the paper label from your can and then open it. Discard the lid. R


Rip off a piece of aluminum foil and wrap it tightly around the open can. This step is vital, as you want to make sure that none of your dulce de leche can boil out of the can.


Set the pressure to High for 40 min. This leaves a lightly colored Dulce de Leche. If you want a thicker or darker Dulce de Leche in the Instant Pot,  increase the cook time.


Perform an Instant release when the time is up. Dump the contents of the can into a bowl and whisk it up until smooth. Enjoy!


– Use oven mitts to remove the can from the Instant Pot (or allow it to cool down first). The can will be very hot. – If a little bit of water gets into your can while cooking, it won’t hurt anything. Simply pour it out of the can before stirring the spread.

How to Get the Right Texture

The longer you cook the Dulce de Leche, the darker and thicker it will get. If you open up your Instant Pot and your spread is too light, you can always wrap it back up and cook it for longer. Keep in mind that the spread will also thicken as it cools.

What to Use Dulce de Leche For

Hmmm… Everything? But here are some ideas to get you started: – Enjoying Plain – Fruit Dip – Pancakes (or even this Pancake Breakfast Board!)

What to Use Dulce de Leche For cont'd

-Apple slices – Alfajores – Ice Cream Topping – Pies – Brazo de Reina (Roll up cake filled with Dulce de Leche)

The Foreign Fork 

Caakiri (Couscous Pudding) Recipe

Next try,  Caakiri  (Couscous Pudding) Recipe

The Foreign Fork 

Arroz Con Leche is another delicious sweet treat to make in your Instant Pot!